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My Question's.


Apr 25, 2011
You could also add this as question 5

How come cops use teamspeak as an IC radio, but never notifies the player whose obviously not in their TS channel, and suddenly know things out of nowhere, which makes a lot of players assume it's MG.

For example you're 2 officers in a car, and the other one exits, goes to your vehicle and stands next to it asking for license. You notice the 2nd. officer checking the MDC using /(a)me's etc. and suddenly the cop next to you knows all of your charges etc. - Without the officer using the MDC using /r or /(a)me'd radio'd the info to the cop next to the vehicle. (Laziness I guess, but pretty awfull.)?

Question 4:

They do indeed pull you over without you comitting any crimes, and because they know that vehicle is a "public" car for /scrapcar etc, that can be hotwired, they can't know exactly whether that vehicle is stolen or not if it's in perfect condition, and they're 100-500 meters away from them, so they couldn't have scanned the plate already. - Rply the car could've been shipped from another country and it might not even be in their database? (Yet because the PD members are familliar with most of the public vehicles they use this to their advantage)

It's pretty bad if you for example have a bad record and they pull you over just because it's a "/hotwire" car and then arrest you because of who you are, and not what you've done in this situation. - It's really annoying the first thing they say via megaphone is: "Turn off ENGINE NOW!" - When normally it'd be "pull over", then "Engine off" it that has not been done already? -> Player is unable to /eoff for some weird reason, he/she should be able to detach the wires when he/she has hotwired it themself?.. Well once they notice you cannot /eoff, they go "haha public vehicle indeed" - /taser(as they really like those), /cuff and /jail as usual of the majority..


Retired Admin
Dec 22, 2010
I'll start with your retort to question 4 first. I don't know much about hotwiring, though from what I do know I believe that when you have hotwired a car in real life it acts most strange. Firstly electrical items, such as the lights and windscreen wiper blades turn themselves on if you hotwire the wrong wires, secondly though when you touch the 2 wires together you can just let them fall apart. You simply cannot turn off a hotwired car without a key of some description, without disconnecting the battery for example or running out of fuel! So this is very RP.
The fact police seemingly MG this is a small issue, but then again in real life if you see a cheap shitty car being driven by a bad driver then police IRL may suspect it has been stolen by someone as it was an easy car to break into and hotwire! Likewise the police are always entitled to random stops and searches- when I had my stafford before and was masked I was pulled over, and likewise in my turismo! So it's not all "HATE THE NEWBIES STEALING CARS", it just so happens that there's a strong correlation between the two things. We can't just tell the police NOT to pull over such vehicles, as that would be even more MG. So we're settling with the lesser of 2 evils.

Likewise with question 5. We're again settling for the lesser of 2 evils. An issue that arises with police work is that you are a team, and must operate as a team to catch an individual. Many times the individual is better equipped than the cops with skills (Driving and shooting) and equipment (Vehicles and knowledge of where to go), thus this is why the police are required to work as a team. If they had to type everything to each other this could come out as gobbledegook, this would mean people would stop typing messages to each other, and therefore there would be no communication, so the bad guy would always get away- all down to the issue that IG people can't drive and talk. Oh wait- yes they can! They use teamspeak instead. Teamspeak is used so much between cops that they use it to quickly relay information. If everytime they used TS they had to use a bind of some sort then people would soon get pretty bored of the bind and ignore it, like nowadays I tend to ignore people taking weapons out binds, looking only for the weapon meantioned in it. Yes it is lazy, and some cops do RP it everytime they manage to remember, but you try pressing the same bind everytime you speak on a TS channel where you're activley participating in the conversation! Gets pretty lame pretty quick!


Apr 17, 2011
United States
Morgan_Peterson said:
I once got pulled over for a ridiculous reason.

I came from my house at the Richman and drove to Montgomery, when I passed the sign I drove 30 mph, suddenly a cop turns her siren on and tries to pull me over.
I saw the siren, stopped at the FIRST light pole because it was red, when it got green I pulled over to the side. I asked if there was any. problems.
She just said ''yes'', then I asked for the reason that she pulled me over and she answered: I pulled you over to the side for running a red light ( :ong: I ran a red light that isnt there? Wow! ) and because one of the lights on my car didnt worked. She cant pull me over for that IRL and you dont get people out of the car, cuff them and frisk them because they ran a red light. Great example of ''RP TO WIN''. I dont hope that ''girl'' is still a cop. ''Brightlitefilms''
Hey guess what. You can understand this right now that had a SHIT attitude ICly, and are just one of those noobs that doesn't understand the PD and hates them until you join them. I know because I was like that. You had a shit attitude ICly, were arguing with me, and had priors for owning a firearm. That's standard procedure. Anyways, you just need to learn the definition of RP to win as well because I didn't do anything that added up to RPing to win.

Good day.