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[GUIDE] Portraying a Sureño | Barrio Evil 13


Jul 14, 2017
¡Buenas Dias! Welcome to the comprehensive guide on how to immerse yourself in the life of a Barrio Evil 13 gang member. This guide will delve deep into the portrayal of a Sureño gangbanger on the streets of Los Santos, providing insights into their operations, hierarchy, and relations with other street gangs and prison factions.

Understanding the Origins of the Barrio Evil 13:

Barrio Evil 13, like many Sureño gangs, has its roots in the oldest neighborhoods of Southern California. The term 'Sureño' originated in the 1970s as a result of the conflict between the Mexican Mafia (La Eme) and the Nuestra Familia. This territorial division led to the emergence of Sureño gangs aligning with La Eme and adopting the number 13 to signify their allegiance.

Portraying a Realistic Barrio Evil 13 Character:

Before creating your character, consider their background, upbringing, and motivations. Barrio Evil 13 primarily recruits teenagers, and your character's story should revolve around factors like financial instability, lack of a father figure, bullying, family influence, or a quest for respect in the harsh streets.

Ways of Talking:
Understanding the stages of speech development is crucial for an authentic portrayal.


Use language influenced by their neighborhood in Los Santos.
Talk recklessly due to fear and lack of experience.
Hangarounds (Semi-Experienced):

Show more maturity in tone and words.

Balance words better and have an extended vocabulary.
Demonstrate calmness in heated situations.
Jumped-In Members:

Speak with wisdom and purpose.
Use fewer words but convey more meaning.
Attempt to manipulate and strike fear in newer members.
The Mexican Mafia (La Eme) holds a prominent position in the Hispanic organized crime hierarchy, with Barrio Evil 13 aligning itself with this powerful entity. The origins of La Eme date back to 1957, and its influence extends from prisons to the streets, controlling activities like drug trafficking, extortion, and contract killings. Despite facing challenges, La Eme continues to operate, adapting to changing circumstances.
General Roleplay Tips:
Roleplay your character with depth, considering their background, family, and experiences.
Explore the emotional impact of significant events like isolation or acts of violence.
Your character is not just a NPC; they have emotions, vulnerabilities, and a unique story.
Consider the psychological effects of long-term isolation and the intensity of prison killings.

A BUSTER - A fake or imitation

A WAKE UP - Refers to the day of an inmate's release

A TODA MADRE: A Spanish slang phrase for “alright” or “perfect”


AB OF TEXAS - Aryan Brotherhood of Texas

AD SEG - Administrative Segregation

AGUA: Spanish for “water,” slang phrase for meth


APE - Derogatory term for a Black male

APPROVED FOR THE HOOD - OK'd for membership in the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang

ARTIC - Isolation; solitary confinement

ARYAN BROTHERHOOD: A white supremacist group/prison gang

ATTORNEY GENERAL - The authorities


B & W - Bread and water

BABY RAPER - A child molester

BACKING - Support or protection provided by other inmates

BAG - A large quantity of drugs

BARGIN: A reduction of an original sentence

BARRIO AZTECA: A prison gang in Texas

BARRIO: Spanish for “neighborhood”

BEATING THE GUMS: Talking; screaming; shouting

BEEF: Crime; infraction; a problem the inmate faces in prison

BEING MADE: The process of being inducted into the Eme

BGF: Black Guerilla/Gorilla (sic) Family. An African-American prison gang

BIG HOMIES: Mexican Mafia members

BITCH-MARK: A slash across the face made with a razor; intended to let other prisoners know that the individual wearing the scar is on the hit list.

BLACK HAND: The symbol of the California, Arizona, and Federal factions of the Mexican Mafia

BLACK MARBLE DAY: A code phrase in prison to indicate an expected shipment of drugs has not arrived as planned.

BLADES: Sharpened instruments; knives, shives, shanks

BLESSED: To gain membership into a gang without a formal initiation

BLOCK REP: An individual who is responsible for Eme and Sureño activities within a cell block.

BLOOD ALLEY: A location on the lower yard of San Quentin State Prison where hits have often taken place.

Blood In - Blood Out: To gain admission to some gangs you must kill someone; and to get out of the gang you must die naturally or be killed

BLUE NOTES: An African American prison gang

BOMBA: Spanish for ”bomb,” a prison-manufactured explosive device.

BONE YARD: An area where conjugal visits occur in prison

BOOGIE MAN: Guard, hack, turnkey, screw

BOOT HILL: Prison cemeteries at Folsom and San Quentin State Prisons

BOX: A carton of cigarettes

BOXCARS: Refers to closed front, highly secure cells in a special housing unit (SHU)

BOW GUN: A prison-made cross bow

BRAND: Member of Aryan Brotherhood prison gang

BUG JUICE: Liquid mixture of sodium luminal given to a disturbed person

BULLET: One year in custody

BUM BEEF: A conviction for a crime for which the person is innocent

BUM RAP: Unfair or excessive sentence

BUSTER: Derogatory term used to describe Norteños; derived from the phrase “sod buster.”

BUTCHER: Captain of the guards


CACHUCHONES: Spanish slang for “cops/prison guards”

CALIENTON: Spanish for “heater.” Often used to describe a beating.

CALIFAS: Slang for California

CALL IT A DAY: A prison phrase used to indicate that someone entered protective custody

CAMARADA: Spanish for “comrade,” denotes an individual trusted by the Eme

CARDINAL: Texas Syndicate recruit

CARNAL DE PALABRA: Spanish for “brother of word/creditability,” a phrase utilized to describe an influential Eme member

CARNAL: Spanish slang for “brother” used by Eme members

CCO: Consolidated Crip Organization. The CCOs are an African American prison gang.

CELL REP: A Sureño responsible for the inmates in his cell.

CHANSA: Spanish slang for “chance”

CHANTE: Spanish slang for “house or cell”

CHAPETE: Spanish slang for “a stupid or worthless person”

CHECK IN: To enter protective custody

CHEEK: To secret contraband clenched between the buttocks

CHERRY: An inmate with a pure and immature appearance

CHICHA: Spanish slang for prison made wine

CHIP: To occasionally use intravenous drugs - not addicted

CHIVA: Spanish slang for heroin

CHOLA: Spanish slang for a female gang member

CHOLO: Spanish slang for a male gang member

CHOTA: Spanish slang for cops

CHRISTMAS TREE: A prison shank cut into the shape of an Christmas tree so as to prevent the victim from extracting it after being imbedded in the torso.

CLAIM JUMPERS: People who falsely claim to belong to the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang

CLEAN HOUSE: A process where Eme targets fellow Eme members for murder in an effort to rid the organization of non-productive Carnales.

CLICKED UP: To be a member of a criminal organization

CLOSE THE BOOKS: To prohibit any new members from being inducted into the Mexican Mafia

CODO: Spanish for “elbow.” Slang word for cheap.

COLD SHOT: A calculated, heartless action, carried out with no regard for others
COLD STORAGE: Solitary confinement

CON: A convicted criminal

CORTE: Spanish for “court”

CRANK: Amphetamines

CREW CHIEF: An individual who controls crew activities on the street for a made Eme member and his facilitator.

CREW: A single criminal enterprise controlled by a made Eme member.

CRIPOS: Spanish slang for crips

CRIPS: An African American street gang

CROAKER: A prison medical officer

CUAL QUIERA: Spanish slang for a woman who will sleep with anyone

CUARTITO: Spanish slang for a ¼ gram of heroin

CUERNO DE CHIVO: Spanish for “goat’s horn,” slang term for AK-47

CUETE: Spanish slang for gun

CULON: Spanish slang for asshole

CUT UP: To prepare drugs for sale by cutting into marketable pieces and packaging.


DC BLACKS: Inmates from the Washington DC area

DC BOYS: A Washington, D.C. African American prison gang.

DANCING: Fighting

DEBRIEF: A process where one who is affiliated with an organized crime group divests him/her of affiliation by detailing their involvement to law enforcement.

DIME: A 10-year sentence

DIME BAG: $10 worth of drugs

DOING STUFF: Using drugs

DOUBLE UP: To charge double the principle for a late payment on a drug debt.

DRIVE-BY: A gang shooting committed from a moving vehicle

DROP A KITE ON: A practice employed on protective custody prison yards where inmates write a note to prison administrators anonymously incriminating an inmate in an effort to have him removed from the prison yard.

DRY SNITCH: To provide incriminating information in a criminal matter to law enforcement, but refuse to testify.

DUCAT: A pass issued in prison allowing an inmate to go from point A to point B.

DUST: Kill


EFFECTIVO: Spanish slang for money

EMERO: Spanish slang for Eme member

EME: Spanish “M”, the 13th letter of the alphabet; nick name for Mexican Mafia

EMI: Abbreviated name of the Texas Mexican Mafia

ERE: Spanish slang for hypodermic needle

ESE TE: Spanish for S T; Used by Texas Syndicate prison gang

ESQUINERO: Spanish slang for one who controls a prison cell block.

ESTRELLA: Spanish for “star.” A phrase used by Sureños instead of the number 14.


FACILITATORS: Individuals who aid or assist in Eme criminal endeavors.

FARMERO: Spanish slang for a Nuestra Familia member

FARMERS: Nuestra Familia

FELL DOWN: Got stabbed

FINK: An informer

FISH: A new inmate

FIX: To inject drugs intravenously

FLAT: A prison shank made from flat metal stock

FLETCHA: A bolt made to shoot arrows from a prison bow gun

FLIP FLOPPER: An individual who is indecisive and often changes his position in organizational political matters.

FLIP: A slang phrase that denotes an individual cooperating with law enforcement.

FOG LINE: The suspension of routine prison activities due to heavy fog.

FRESH FISH: A newly arrived inmate

FTB: A faction of NLR that oppose influence by the AB. FTB stands for “fuck the brand.”


GALLO: Spanish for “rooster.” A common practice of Sureños; a shot-caller conducts roll call in which all Sureños must respond or face severe and violent discipline.

GANG MODULE: A housing location within county jail that houses validated Eme associates.

GET AT: To contact

GET DOWN: To fight with fists or weapons

GLADIATOR SCHOOL: Duell Vocational Institution at Tracey, California

GLOBO: Spanish for “balloon.” This word is often used to describe a balloon of heroin.

GOMBA: Spanish for “glue,” slang phrase for heroin

GOON SQUAD: A special team sent to control an inmate or a group of inmates

GRAMO: Spanish for “gram”

GRAY RULES: Rules that are frequently broken by Eme members, yet still punishable by death.

GREEN LIGHT: To mark an entire gang for death. The green light can also be applied to single individuals.

GROOM: An educational process that an Eme member undertakes before putting a prospective member up for membership into the organization.



HACK: A prison correctional officer

HARD CANDY: A phrase to describe an assault with intent to kill.

HARD RULES: Rule that if broken are punishable by death

HAVE A TAIL: To be on parole or probation

HIGH POWER: A unit in county jail that houses Eme members and Eme associates

HIT LIST: A list of individuals to be murdered

HOOP: To secret contraband in the rectum

HORN: To inhale drugs through the nostrils

HOT SHOT: An intentional overdose of intravenous drugs or lacing the drugs to be injected with a poisonous substance

HUILA: Spanish slang for “kite/note”

HUMPS: Prison slang term for Camel non-filter cigarettes

HUNG UP THE GLOVES: To defect from an organization or enter into protective custody


IGI: Institutional Gang Investigator

IN THE HAT: To be on the hit list

IXTAC: Nahuatl word for “white.” Ixtac is often used to describe an AB or NLR member.

IYP: Integrated yard program at Corcoran State Prison


JACK: Home-made alcoholic beverage

JOTO: Spanish for homosexual

JUGETES: Spanish for “toys.” Code phrase for guns or prison shanks

JUICE: Influence or power within the organization

JUMP IN: A physical beating required by one or more gang members to initiate a new member.

JUMP-STEADY: Home-made alcoholic beverage

JUNGLE: Recreation yard

JUNTA: Spanish for “meeting”


KANPOL: Nahuatl word for “southerner”

KEISTER: To secret contraband into the rectum

KICKING: To withdraw from an addictive substance

KITTY: A term to describe collective proceeds from Eme extortion.

KITTY-SCAM: An extortion technique in jails where inmate commissary is taxed and later sold back to inmates for cash.


L.O.P.: Loss of privileges

LA BUENA: Spanish for “the good stuff”

LA CAUSA: Spanish for “the cause”

LA CLICA: Spanish slang for the Eme

LA COSA NOSTRA: Italian for “our thing.” Italian mafia.

LA EME: Spanish for the letter “M.” La Eme is the alternate name for the Mexican Mafia.

LA GENTE: Spanish for “the people”

LA LISTA: Spanish for “the list.” La lista is the hit list.

LA MARIPOSA: Spanish for “the butterfly.” La Mariposa is an alternative name for the Eme.

LA RAZA: Spanish for “the People”

LA VIDA LOCA: Spanish for “the crazy life”

LACTOSE: A cutting agent for heroin

LAY OVER: To stay at a jail facility for a short period of time while in transit to another jail.

LECHUGAS: (Spanish for vegetables) Members of the unrecognized Arizona faction of the Eme.

LEMAC: Prison slang for a Camel non-filter cigarette; Lemac is Camel spelled backward.

LEVANTAR POLVO: Spanish for “raise dust.” Levantar polvo is a slang term used to describe trouble starting or problem starting.

LIBRE: Spanish for “free.” Libre is used to describe the streets.

LIÑA: Spanish for “line.” Lina is used to describe the general population in prison or mainline.

LIP: To secrete contraband under the lip.

LLANTA: Spanish for “tire.” Derogatory term to describe blacks.

LLAVERO: Spanish for “key holder.” Llavero is used to describe a shot-caller or person with authority on a crew.

LLEÑO: Spanish slang for “joint.”

LOCK DOWN: To temporarily suspend normal prison operations.

LOCKER KNOCKER: An inmate who steals from other inmates

LOCK UP: To enter into protective custody

LODO: Spanish for “mud.” Lodo is used to describe heroin.

LONCHE: Spanish slang for “lunch.”

LOS CARNALES: Spanish slang for “brothers.” Los Carnales is used to describe members of the Mexican Mafia.

LUZ: Spanish for “light.” Luz is used to describe someone being on the hit list.


MADE THE OLYMPIC DIVING TEAM: This phrase is used to indicate that another person has entered into protective custody.

MADE: To be made a member of the Eme

MAFIOSO: Spanish for Mafia member

MAIL DROP: An address where inmates can send correspondence with the expectancy the correspondence will be re-mailed to another person or prison circumventing prison administrative scrutiny.

MAIL OUT: A common practice in prison where drugs are given on credit, but the person owing must have his family mail a money order to an address provided by the debtor. Payment must be made within two weeks or the principle debt doubles.

MAIN STREET: General population

MAITL: Nahuatl for “hand.” Maitl is used to describe an Eme member.

MAKING YOUR BONES: The act of killing someone on the order of a gang in order to qualify for admission to that gang

MALIA: Spanish slang for “drug user.”

MALIAS: Spanish for “sick.” Malias is used to describe heroin withdrawals.

MANITOL: A cutting agent used to cut cocaine.

MAQUINA: Spanish for Machine. Maquina is a term used to describe the daily exercise routine that Sureños mandatorily participate in.

MARICON: Spanish for “homosexual.”

MARRANO: Spanish for “pig.” Marrano is used to describe cops.

MARRIED: To be a member of the Eme

MATERIAL: A phrase used to describe an individual as possessing qualities meritorious of membership in the Mexican Mafia.

MAYATE: Spanish slang for “Black.”

MERCA: Spanish slang for “merchandise.”

MEXIKANEMI: Name of the unrecognized Texas faction of the Mexican Mafia.

MIQUI: Nahuatl word for kill.

MISS: To unintentionally inject drugs subcutaneously.

MOBBED UP: To be a member of the Eme

MULE: A person who smuggles drugs or contraband into a prison


NADA: Spanish for “nothing.” Nada is the word used by Sureños instead of saying the number 14.

NAZI LOW RIDERS (NLR): A white supremacist prison gang

NEGRA: Spanish for Black. Negra is used to describe heroin.

NESTERS: Nuestra Familia

NEW FLOWERS: A prison gang comprised of former NF members who are in protective custody.

NO ACCOUNT: A person who is unproductive, usually an Eme member who does not contribute to the organization.

NO GOOD: A person who is in bad standing and marked for death.

NOD: To be under the influence of opiates.

NORTEÑO: Spanish for Northerner

NORTHERN STRUCTURE: A prison gang comprised of northern Hispanics.

NUESTRA FAMILIA: Spanish for “our family,” the Nuestra Familia is a California prison gang and the chief rivals of the Mexican Mafia.


ONSA: Spanish for “ounce.”

OPEN THE BOOKS: To open up the organization for new memberships.

OSOMATLI: Nahuatl word for “monkey.” Osomatli is a derogatory phrase used to describe blacks.

OTC: Out to court

OUT-COUNT: To count an inmate whose whereabouts are accounted for but not in his/her assigned cell.


PAISA: Spanish for “Mexican national.”

PALABRA: Spanish for “word.”

PAPEL: Spanish for “paper.” A papel is a small bindle of drugs typically sold in prison.

PAPER WORK: Official court or administrative documents such as transcripts, probation reports, police reports, prison chromos, etc.

PAPOLOTE: Spanish for “kite.” A papolote is a prison note.

PC: Protective Custody

PC UP: To enter into protective custody.

PECKERWOOD: Usually used by Blacks to describe white inmates

PEDASO: Spanish for “piece.” A pedaso is a prison shank.

PEGADA: Spanish for “hit.”

PERICO: Spanish for “parrot.” Perico is a slang term used to describe cocaine or cops.

PERRY COMO: A prison slang phrase used to describe a person who is paranoid.

PERRY: A prison slang phrase used to describe a person who is paranoid.

PERSONAL: A personal is a hit requested personally by a Mexican Mafia member.

PESCADO: Spanish for “fish.” In prison a fish is a newcomer.

PICO HIELO: Spanish for “ice pick.”


PINTA: Spanish slang for prison

PISERO: Spanish slang for a person who controls a floor in the county jail.

PISTO: Spanish slang for beer or pruno

PIT: To secrete contraband under the arm pit

PLACA: Spanish slang for cop

PLACASO: Spanish slang for nickname

PLATA: Spanish for “silver.” Plata is used to describe money.

PLUMA: Spanish for pen

POLITICKING: Campaigning to discredit another member in an effort to have him killed.

POLVO: Spanish for “powder.” Polvo is used to describe powder heroin or cocaine.

POPPED: Arrested

PRUNO: Prison-manufactured alcoholic beverages

PULL A TRAIN: A practice in the gang subculture where women have sex with multiple partners.

PUNK: A term used to describe a coward or homosexual

PURA: Spanish for “pure.”

PUSH AND PULL: A phrase used to describe a medical hypodermic needle


QUEBRADA: Spanish for “break.” Quebrada is often used to describe when a person gets a pass for a perceived act of misbehavior otherwise punishable by a beating or stabbing.


REGLAS: Spanish for “rules” that a Mafia member must follow upon induction to the Eme. Violation of the reglas is punishable by death.

REGULATE: A beating administered by 13 Sureños for 13 seconds.

REP: A representative of the Eme but not a member

RESIDENT: A Hispanic inmate who is not a gang member but still supports Sureño racial violence.

ROD: A prison stabbing device similar to an ice pick.

ROLLED IT UP: A phrase used to describe an inmate who has entered into protective custody.

RUN A MAKE: To locate and check the credentials of an inmate

RUNNER: A person who does favors for prisoners, such as, smuggle drugs into the institution and relaying messages, etc.

RUSH: The euphoric feeling after injecting drugs intravenously

RUTINA: Spanish for “routine.” A mandatory exercise regimen required daily by all Sureños in jail.


SANDWICH: To stab an individual using two or more assailants thereby sandwiching the target.

SANGRES: Spanish for “bloods.” Sangres are an African American street gang.

SAVANAS: Spanish for “sheets.” Savanas is a term used to describe whites.

SCHOOL: To educate or teach an inmate the ways of jail and La Causa.

SCREW: A correctional officer

SECRETARY: An individual (typically a female) who acts as a communications conduit for Eme members and Sureños.

SELF PC: To refuse to go to yard or come out of your cell but not enter protective custody.

SHIFT GEARS: To jerk a knife around in circular motions while it is embedded in the torso of the target in an effort to cause massive trauma and death.

SHOOT DOWN: To veto a proposed membership of a prospect

SHORT: Close to a parole date

SKIN HEADS: A white supremacist group

SKIN POP: To inject drugs subcutaneously

SKIN: To secrete contraband under the foreskin

SLAM: To inject drugs intravenously

SNM: Sindicato de Nuevo Mexico

SNY: Sensitive needs yard

SOBRINO: Spanish for “nephew.” A term utilized to describe an individual who is on the crew of a Carnal.

SOFTIE: A term utilized to describe a weak individual

SOLDADO: Spanish for “soldier”

SOPLON: Spanish for “informant”

SPONSOR: To recommend an individual for induction into the Mexican Mafia.

SPOON: A balloon of heroin

STANDING COUNT: A counting of inmates in which standing is required to ensure that all inmates are alive.

STG: Security threat group

SUREÑO: Spanish for “southerner”


TAG BANGER: A tagging crew member who also participates in violent acts.

TAGGER: An individual who defaces public and private property through graffiti.

TAILOR MADE: A term used in prison to describe store bought cigarettes.

TAKE A DIVE: To defect from an organization.

TAKE OUT: To kill

TANGO: Spanish slang for hat

TECATO: Spanish slang for hype

TECPATL: Nahuatl word for “Spear.” The word tecpatl is often used in prison to describe a shank.

THE GREY GOOSE: The prison transportation bus

THE PATCH: The symbol of the Texas Mexican Mafia

THE PROGRAM: The Federal Witness Program, (aka. Wit-sec.)

THE SHELF: Death row at San Quentin

THE TIP: The Mexican Mafia

THROUGH: To be marked for death

TIE OFF: To place a tourniquet on the arm for intravenous drug use

TIENDA: Spanish for “store”

TIER REP: A Sureño designated as the leader of all gang members on a specific tier in a housing facility.

TIO: Spanish for “uncle.” Tio is often used in prison and jail correspondence to indicate that the person being called “tio” is in fact a Mafia member.

TLILI: Nahuatl word for “black.” Tlili is used in a derogatory manner to identify African Americans.

TO HAVE THE KEYS: To be in a position of leadership

TOMAHAWK: A jail/prison manufactured slashing type weapon constructed from razor blades and melted plastic stock.

TORCIDO: Spanish slang for “incarcerated”

TRACATERO: Spanish slang for “drug dealer”

TRAGO: Spanish for “drink”

TRAMADOS: Spanish slang for “pants”

TRANCO: Spanish slang for “to enter pc”

TRIPPED: Stabbed or stuck

TRUCHA: Spanish slang for “trustee or “look out”

TS: Texas Syndicate

TUCK: To secrete contraband within folds of fat

TURF ENCROACHMENT: To infringe upon another Eme members turf.

TURF: Gang territory

TURN OUT: To force an individual into homosexual activity

TURN: To cooperate with law enforcement

TUSA: Nahuatl word for “rat”

TWO FOR ONE: A common practice in prison where drugs are provided on credit with the expectancy that the principle debt will be paid back double the value of the drugs.


UBN: United Blood Nation; African American prison gang.


VALIDATE: To classify an inmate or suspect as a street gang member or associate of a prison gang.

VANGUARDS: An African American prison gang.

VETERANO: Spanish for “veteran”

VICIOSO: Spanish for “an individual who uses drugs”

VIDRIO: Spanish for “glass.” Vidrio is a slang term used to describe meth.


WACKED: High on drugs

WALK IN: To allow membership into a gang without initiation

WALK THE LINE: To be an inmate on the general prison population

WEARING THE BRAND: Wearing the gang’s tattoo


ZAPATO: Spanish for “shoe.” Zapato is a slang term used to describe the “SHU” or Security Housing Unit​

I'll be editing the guide possibly.​
Last edited:


Jul 14, 2017
If u guys got anything to add that would make it look better etc you can just simply drop a comment on here and I'll possibly add it