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Radio system

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Jan 28, 2017
idek, prolly in Greece


Radio System

Development OverviewFeature Name: Radio System
Script Author(s): TommyB
Documentation By: Thekillergreece
Feature Version: RCRP 3.7.0

IntroductionThe radio system has been completely rewritten for the 3.7.0 version. Radio frequencies can now be reserved and can have up to 10 (0-9) customizable channels in one frequency. This allows users to create multiple channels in one frequency and customize their names, set password protection and so on.

The new radio system can benefit both the players and the faction players.

Using the radioIn order to use the radio, you have to make sure it is powered on through /radiopower and tune to a frequency via the command /rtune. All frequencies are in 4 digits (1000, 1001, 3452, 5555 and so on).

To tune to a frequency, you have to type: /rtune [FREQUENCY] [PASSWORD (if applicable)].
For example, if the frequency is not password protected, you have to type /rtune 1000 and that's it.
If the frequency is password-protected, you have to type /rtune 1000 1 or whatever the password is.

Upon joining a frequency, your radio will join the channel 0 by default. You can speak through it by typing /r [CHANNEL NUMBER] [TEXT]
For example: /r 0 Hello
To speak quietly, use the command of /lr.

You may also switch channels. Each frequency has 10 channels, unnamed and not password-protected by default. In order to speak through channel 1 and up to, you need to join to those channels. You can do so by typing /joinchannel [CHANNEL NUMBER]. Once done, you will be able to speak through those channels by typing /r [CHANNEL NUMBER] [TEXT] as mentioned above. This can be applied to every other channel provided you have joined into them beforehand. If you have joined all channels, you can transmit to all channels by typing the channel numbers. In addition, you will also receive transmissions from the channels you joined.
You can leave from specific channels by typing /leavechannel [CHANNEL NUMBER]. You will no longer receive transmissions from the channel you left. You cannot leave channel 0 as it's the default channel.
In addition, you can mute channels by typing /mutechannel [CHANNEL NUMBER]. This is similar to /leavechannel but you will remain in channel instead and will not receive transmissions from the channels you muted. Type the command again to unmute the specific channel.

Owning a frequencyPlayers can own frequencies by typing the command of /reservefrequency. This can be done by, first, joining a frequency and THEN use the /reservefrequency command. Players are instructed to type a password for the frequency.

Once the frequency is owned, the owner has full control over the radio's informations, channel names, channel passwords and many more. If the owner attempts to switch frequencies, they lose the ownership of that frequency and the reserved frequency will become public, available for use by any other player.

Owners can use the following commands;
/setradiochannelname -
This command will edit the channel's name. It can be used by typing /setradiochannelname [CHANNEL NUMBER] [CHANNEL NAME]
By default, all channels will be unnamed.

I am changing the channel's name by typing: /setradiochannelname 2 PINEAPPLE
It should display like this as a result.

/setradiochannelpassword -
This command will edit the channel's password. It can be used by typing /setradiochannelpassword [CHANNEL NUMBER] [PASSWORD]
Example: /setradiochannelpassword 2 1

If you are attempting to join a password-protected channel without password, you will receive an error that you input an invalid password. You need to type the valid password for that channel. You can remove the password-protection by typing /setradiochannelpassword [CHANNEL NUMBER] 0.

/setradiofrequencypassword -
This command will edit the frequency's password. It can be used only if the frequency in question is reserved (owned). It can be used by typing /setradiofrequencypassword [PASSWORD]
This is pretty straight-forward. You have to be in the frequency you reserved and type the command with the password you desire to make it password-protected. Anyone except you will be required to join the frequency with password or they will not be able to join at all. Users will have to type /rtune [FREQUENCY] [PASSWORD] to join your frequency.

If your frequency's password is 255, they have to type:
/rtune [FREQUENCY] 255.

There's NO password limit. It can be 10 digits and up to.

Faction frequencies (SASP, RCFD, etc) cannot be lost in any way. Only Faction Leader(s) can edit the frequency's password, channel's name, password and so on. Regular players cannot join faction frequencies unless they are part of the specific faction.

Typing /radioinfo (or /rinfo) will give you basic informations of the frequency you are in such as, channel's names, which channels you joined and which channels are muted.

Typing /radiochannelinfo is similar to /rinfo except it also gives you password informations from every channel.

Related Commands
  • /changefrequency (/rtune) - This changes the frequency.
  • /joinchannel - Joins a radio slot channel.
  • /leavechannel - Leaves a radio slot channel.
  • /lowradio - Speak through the radio in low voice, minimizing the chat range.
  • /mutechannel - Mutes transmission from the specific channel. You will not receive anything from that channel.
  • /radio (/lr /r) - Speak through the radio.
  • /radiochannelinfo - Displays information of the radio frequency you are in, the password of each channel and so on. This can be used only for reserved frequencies and moderated only by high ranks of the said faction.
  • /radioinfo (/rinfo) - Just like the above but it doesn't display the passwords of each channel and displays information which channel you joined, if they are password-protected and so on.
  • /radiopower - Turns on and off the radio.
  • /reservefrequency - Can be used to own a frequency of yours with a password. You will essentially become the owner of the said frequency.
  • /setradiochannelname - Edits the channel's name.
  • /setradiochannelpassword - Edits the channel's password.
  • /setradiofrequencypassword - Edits the frequency's password.

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