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Commend a Helper


Jan 28, 2017
Prince Edward Island, Canada


How to commend a Helper
The Helper Administration team loves to hear your feedback about helpers. The helper team is quite large and sometimes their exceptional acts of kindness can be overlooked, that's why we highly appreciate it when you go out of your way to tell us about them yourself. This thread is the best place to do that.

To simplify the process - there's no form to fill out, just simply post a reply to this thread and explain briefly why you want to commend the helper. Describe the situation, the helper's approach, the time it took for you to be assisted, etc - basically anything you think could be valuable to us.

If you want to complain about a Helper's wrongdoings - please head over to this thread and fill out a complaint on them. This thread should only be used for positive feedback or sincere constructive criticism.

Note: this is to commend, not recommend helpers. You should only post here if you want to praise one of the Helpers, not suggest a regular player for the Helper position.

Please also try to add context to your commendations, please don't just put names of people. We'd like to know what they did to help!

Example: Helper X was really helpful today, I had no idea where my Sanchez was and he assisted me almost instantly. He was super friendly and found it for me!

Kind Regards,

Head of Helpers

Ross Lancaster is the IG name,
@Morenos is the forum name
I have been playing RCRP since 2015, but I go through phases of playing. I recently have been getting back into it and Ross Lancaster one night was answering all of my questions. He was very helpful and polite, going above and beyond to answer everything and explain. Thank you so much for making my coming back less confusing! <3