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Red County Roleplay Revival


Dec 30, 2010
Texas, USA.
The title is not deceiving you.

Red County Roleplay is relaunching! I've had the itch to work on something on GTA SA again and decided to see how relaunching the server in 2023 may or may not go.

We currently aim to launch the server some time in the first week of January,. We'll have more specific details closer to the date. The reason why we're announcing a bit ahead of time is to hopefully generate some user interest instead of launching prematurely and not being very prepared for it.

The server IP will be server.redcountyrp.com as usual.

If you're a potential faction leader that wants to sign up or talk about things, feel free to join our Discord at https://discord.gg/HykrTh9. We'd love to get in contact with leaders of potential factions to gather feedback and ideas.

I know there's probably a lot of burning questions about the feasibility of relaunching a server that once housed a couple thousand regular players, so I'll go over some of the details below.

New Users
We've decided to streamline the server's registration process a little by removing the application step. New user registration will still be done through the website, but new people will only be gated by the RP quiz. This should hopefully make it easier and more appealing for new members to hop on and dip their toes into the server.

Wide Open Space
In its current iteration, the scripted areas of RCRP cover a lot of the game's map. Since I don't anticipate we'll have as many active users as before, I've decided to cut out the town of Rockshore to help condense the play area a little better. I'm also considering cutting out Bayside and Angel Pine, but I haven't made the final call on those towns yet. I'd like to feel things out before committing to their removal. In the event that there's enough players to justify re-implementing Rockshore, it'll be added back.

Some people in the know may be aware that SA-MP recently completely ceased activity. All server lists and downloads have been taken down, but RCRP wasn't on SA-MP server lists anyway due to being landlocked on the controversially-deleted SA-MP version known as 0.3.DL. Fortunately, open.mp has developed to a point where they have a launcher, server listings and a SA-MP server replacement ready. While the RCRP source code does not run with the open.mp server yet, their launcher can be downloaded here and used to find and play SA-MP/open.mp servers.

Premium Features
Payments will not be accepted for the time being. This server is being brought back as a labor of love and I don't really want any money for it. I'm running things on some relatively inexpensive hardware, so I'm perfectly fine covering all costs out of pocket as long as they remain modest. If we outgrow the hardware and I'm forced to upgrade to something better to accommodate more users, I'll probably enable premium purchases because I don't want to spend too much money on hardware rentals and not see any return.

Evolution of Factions
I'm of the opinion that factions in the current form are a rather antiquated idea and could use with a shake-up. This feature hasn't been coded yet, but a long-term goal for me is ditching the faction system for non-vital factions and introducing a group system in its place. A group would simply be a dynamic collection of players that can be created by anyone and have various features made available to them when seen fit by administration. This change hasn't been fully conceptualized yet, but that's the basic gist of how it will work.

More Illegal Features
With the group system eventually replacing traditional factions, I also brainstormed adding new scripted features ripe for criminal activity. Things such as proper carjacking, ATM robbing, chopshops, drug rewrite and etc are all on the menu. I'll have more information to share about these features in the future once I'm closer to making them.

The RCRP gamemode didn't quite cease development when the server hit end of life back in 2021. I worked on some simple under the hood things whenever I got bored and the RCRP source code was also used in a heavily modified capacity on GTA Chronicles for a while before its closure. I've removed all of the features ported over from that server since I never really felt they were mine to use and keep. I did work on some brand new features for that server written by me which will be carried over into this relaunched version of RCRP, aka version 4.0. Here's a quick rundown of some of the changes made since the server originally ceased activity.

Street Names
The name of your current street will show on the vehicle speedo HUD when you have a GPS. Supports standing in an intersection too when the data is available.

Streamlined Settings Menu
Most account/character settings have been moved to a single dialog-driven interface under the /settings command.





Enhanced Command Help
All commands now have help text that explain what their purpose is, which also show up an updated /help menu. /searchcommand will also query these descriptions too.

Gate System
Previously, all gates and doors found around the map (aside from house furniture doors) were hardcoded into a filterscript (aka a side-loaded script that runs independently from the main server) that was haphazardly reloaded whenever objects were added or removed. This was pretty dumb in the long term, so it was replaced with a generalized system where gates are all stored properly in the database and can be modified on the fly in-game. Gates can be created at a moment's notice and can be public, faction-owned, house-owned or business-owned. They can also be chained together to allow for things like double swinging doors and large separating gates to be added with little difficulty. Here's a video demonstrating how it can work.

Gunshot Labels
When you're inside of an interior and someone shoots a gun near the entrance point, a label will be created at the door stating a gunshot has occurred outside. Here's a video demonstration.

Business Furniture
The furniture system was expanded to also cover businesses. The full suite of interior house furnishing features is now available for businesses as well.

This summarizes a lot of the new features and adjustments and also marks the end of this announcement topic.

I look forward to seeing you all in-game!